No, you are not dreaming. This is an actual post to my blog! Hard to believe, I know! Since it has been so long I wouldn't even know where to start so it's all about the photos...that's all anyone really cares about anyway right? Right! Enjoy.
My mom and I took the kids out to Jetty Island on one of the last weekends the ferry ran. It was so so soooo much fun I don't know why I wasn't there everyday, with or without my kids!!

I hope genes get me looking this good when I'm a grammy at the beach!!

It's a pretty big deal for both of them to like sand this year! My mom burried them!

Where'd they go?

Me and my girl at Pappys house!

My crew eating at the Taco Truck with Papps.

The girls (minus Lilly & Juno) over for a playdate!

My mom and I took the kids to Stocker Farms pumpkin festival this year too! It was really fun for the kids, tons of stuff to do!
D got his face painted...he got to choose from a big sheet of pictures...he chose what any manly man would choose, a rainbow!! and it gets worse..see halloween pics below...

Ari practicing the hula-hoop!

We took a hay-ride around the farm and they did a pumpkin shoot out of a cannon. I love this excited they both were right when it shot out!

Noah and Auntie were in town for a visit a couple weeks ago, of course those pics are all still on my camera..but if you want to see more check my sisters always-updated-and-current-blog--->
I love this one of the little mans first taste of
sriracha just like his dad!

I can't figure out why my kids like going to Auntie
Jessica's house? It might have something to do with the
enormous "slices" of cake she let's them have! Right after this photo she let them shove their faces in it and eat with no hands!
Lills and
sooo BFF's..I love it

D likes to take showers now instead of baths, but he doesn't like the water in his he made what he calls his "shower umbrella"
My little Phantom. He chose this costume because it came with red light up eyes and a sickle. The sickle was quickly put up out of reach because I'm pretty sure we were all in danger while this was in D's possession.

Cutest Dorothy EVER!

Ari and Morgan trick or treating! D is back there too if you look. He refused to say "trick or treat" and insisted on "happy
Halloween" instead. He also tried to negotiate which treats he got at most houses, and said "
I'm a phantom" until each homeowner responded to him...
I love Ari's face in this picture, she was having
sooo much fun!

Morgan's dog Jack, dressed up like a
Ladybug just like her! Very tough-dog costume!

The fire station had free
hot dogs & hot
chocolate if you brought in cans of food for the food drive...not sure why but Ari was
soooo excited for this part.

Stacey and me!

Cute girls!!

D and his Best Friend, Jess-ca...Notice his face painting. Once again out of a book full of scary spiders, ghosts, pirates..ect..D chose not ONE but TWO pink hearts...That's my lover boy.