Saturday, June 27, 2009

Shout out to...ME!

I weighed in this morning at Weight Watchers...lost another 4.7 lbs! (over 2 weeks I missed last weeks weigh in). For a total of...37!! whoo hooo! I was/am hoping to be at 40 lost by my birthday party, so I may just be able to pull it off!!
I celebrated with a Krispy Kreme RIGHT after my meeting. (literally right after, I brought it with me and left it in the car, lol).
Anyways, I'm feeling good and today should be a fun day! It's Auntie Sarah's birthday and we're all going to Ride The Ducks, then to the Cheesecake Factory (I think?) for lunch! And it's sunny doesn't get much better than this!


Lana said...

congrats george, and that does sound like a really fun day! tell sary happy bday for me!

Stacy O said...

Wow Georgia, you look fantastic and I know you feel fantastic!!! Great job.

Ariana said...

you're probably going to be smaller than me!!! i just made s'mores in the microwave, that's a little white trash but whatev! we ran out of firewood. nice work on the 37 lbs!!! only like 9 or so days till i'm home!!

Kristin said...

Way to go Georgia! That's so wonderful! It just feels so good, doesn't it?!? Maybe by next summer I'll be as bathing suit ready as you!
Keep up the good work!

jon and nichole said...

im so proud of you!!! that takes a lot of hard work and dedication...congrats and keep up the good work, i KNOW you'll be able to make the 40 make and then some :)